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Part 6E - Ground Attacking PvP Army General Combinations

Updated: May 21


  • Introduction

  • Ground "Base / Built-In" Skill Conflict Groups 

  • Attribute Methodology 

    • Ground Attacking Assistant PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology (List Format)

      • Attacking Assistant Rankings @ 4-Yellow Specialties

      • Attacking Assistant Rankings @ 3-Orange Specialties

      • Attacking Assistant Rankings @ 3-Purple Specialties

    • Ground Reinforcing Assistant PvP Rankings, Attribute Methodology (List Format)

      • Reinforcing Assistant Rankings @ 4-Yellow Specialties

      • Reinforcing Assistant Rankings @ 3-Orange Specialties 

      • Reinforcing Assistant Rankings @ 3-Purple Specialties 

  • Related Articles


  • Introduction

  • Formatting & Scoring Methodology

  • Skill Book Restrictions

  • Ground Reinforcing PvP Rankings

    • Ground Reinforcing Lead PvP General Rankings

    • Ground Reinforcing Assistant PvP General Rankings

    • Ground Reinforcing PvP Combinations

  • Related Articles



The new formatting should make it easier to find and compare Army General Combinations.

The Single and Double Dragon Combinations have been combined into one (1) list mostly because it's simpler and easier, but also because the way the game is set-up currently, the Double Dragon Pairs do NOT score higher than the Single Dragon Pairs.

High-end Players should be using separate Attacking and Reinforcing Marches for all four (4) troop types.  If that's not possible, using a strong Reinforcing pair for Attacking is going to be much better than using either a strong Attacking pair for Reinforcing or using a mixed pair for both Attacking and Reinforcing.

Reinforcing Pair

Sweyn Forkbeard / Frigg

  • Attacking - A- (91.2% - 1339)

  • Reinforcing - A+ (100.0% - 1338)

Attacking Pair

Lu Xun / Suchet

  • Attacking - A+ (99.3% - 1458)

  • Reinforcing - D+ (60.2% - 752)

Mixed Pair

Frigg / Suchet

  • Attacking - A (94.3% - 1386)

  • Reinforcing - B- (79.2% - 1060)

A "High-end Player" is likely to be:

  • In an Alliance that is participating in Major League Battle of Challons (BoCH)

  • A March Setter or March Joiner in the hive

  • 8B+ Power

  • VIP 18 or higher




  1. Suchet (1108) / Lu Xun (361) - Grade: A+ (100.0% - 1469)

  1. Lead Name (Lead Score) / Assistant Name (Assistant Score) - Grade: Letter Grade (Letter Grade Percentage - Total Score)

Scoring Methodology

  • The Attacking Lead Score includes the Four (4) Skill Book Score.

  • The Attacking Assistant General Score includes a Skill Book Penalty for preventing the pair from using a certain Skill Book. In rare instances, when two (2) Generals with the same Penalty (from the same BSC Group) are matched up, that Skill Book Penalty needs to be removed.

If that were written out in a formula, it would be:


TAS = Total Attacking Score

ALS = Attacking Lead General Score

AAS = Attacking Assistant General Score

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Lisa Cantor
Lisa Cantor
Dec 01, 2023

I don't see Pyrrhus in any of the rankings, yet. Just wondering if you will be including him at some point? I was thinking of using him as an assistant to Elise because it looks like they are compatible, but would love to get your take on this combination:)

Replying to

That's ok. I moved on to using Suchet as her assistant. They're coming out with so many new generals with bigger and bigger stats, so it's hard to keep up:(


Lisa Cantor
Lisa Cantor
Aug 04, 2023

Are Robert the Bruce's In-City buffs active when he is reinforcing an alliance member's city? I'm considering developing the Robert the Bruce/Oda Nobunaga combo for reinforcing and was just wondering if his 4th Specialty Battle of Bannockburn In-city attack and HP buffs are still able to be utilized in that application. Please let me know if you know. Thank you:)

Lisa Cantor
Lisa Cantor
Aug 04, 2023
Replying to

Thank you so much for confirming that. And for your blog. I feel like it's the best source of information available for the game. Much appreciated:)


May 24, 2023

Why is Ludwig ranked lower as a lead when compared to Aurelian or Elise? His buffs seems to be better when compared to those two?

May 31, 2023
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My calculations also include the following in the Base Attributes (Attack, Defense, & Leadership) totals:

  • The extra 50 points that come with full Ascending Enhancements.

  • The extra 5% that comes with the Victory Column.

  • An extra 2 points in cultivating (502 vs 500)

EDIT: Those three (3) items probably account for the 5.8 point difference in the Attack, HP & Defense Scores.

EDIT: So, I found three (3) data entry mistakes that were causing the Attack differential on my side. Ludwig's Attack was 15% too low and Elise's Attack was 15% too high. So, Ludwig's rating will be going up and Elise's rating will be going down.

Thanks for point that out. I'll get it corrected as soon as possible…


Luke Schierer
Luke Schierer
Apr 04, 2023

I see several places that you refer readers to the equipment scores as a place to derive the way the lead general scores are figured out, but there's one thing that is confusing me. How do you go from the armor attributes to the different scores for Attacking and Reinforcing? I can see how those _are_ different, but not how you come to the scores from the attributes. I'm guessing that you are weighing attack and defense differently for the two scores?

Apr 06, 2023
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That's from:


On the matrix above Attacking & Marching Buffs are the same thing.

From activated buffs perspective, I think defending buildings in battlefield isn't much different than attacking them. Off the top of my head, the only place I know of to get Defending Buffs is on the Defending Blazon Sets. I believe most people pick Attacking or Defending Sets at the beginning of the match, and don't change them out after that.


John Byers
John Byers
Apr 01, 2023


any views on Aurelian?

Apr 07, 2023
Replying to

OK, both articles have been updated to include Aurelian. Enjoy!

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