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Evony Glossary, Acronyms, Quick Tips, and Fun Facts


ATTENTION: This article is a published draft and, is STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION.


Quick Links

- A -

- B -

- C -

- D -

- E -

- F -

- G -

- H -

- I -

- J -

- K -

- L -

- M -

- N -

- O -

- P -

- Q -

- R -

- S -

- T -

- U -

- V -

- W -

- X -

- Y -

- Z -


- A -

Abatis - See Trap Types.

Academy - Building, maximum level 40.

Achaemenidae Gear -

Activity (Daily) -

Activity (Special Event) - See Special Event Activity.

Alliance -

Alliance Boss Package -

Alliance Castle -

Alliance Resource Tile -

Alliance Shop -

Alliance Territory -

Alliance Warehouse -

Ancient Relic - Gold Relic available in the Treasure Hunt Activity.

Art Hall - Building, maximum level 40.

Archer Camp - Building, maximum level 40.

For training Ranged Troops


  • Ranged Troop Training Interface

  • Blazon Interface

Archer Tower - Building, maximum level 40.

Archer Tower Duty Officer -

Archers - Ranged Troops or Ranged March

Ares Gear -

Army Camps - Building, Maximum Level 40,

Army General - See General, the phrase used on the site to describe Generals, so that it's not the same as the common english word "general".

Arsenal - Building, maximum level 1

Army Camps - Building, Maximum Level 40. Outside the Main Wall, can be built instead of an Internal Resource Tile. Since they increase Troop Training Capacity, as well as Troop Training Speed, making the maximum ten (10) is recommended.

NOTE: Only take one (1) Army Camp to level 40, after Level 38 they no longer give a bonus to Troop Training Speed.

Art Hall - Building, Maximum Level 40, Contains the General Hall, Exhibition Hall, and Art Treasures.

Art Treasure Scrolls -

Ascending Enhancements -

Attack (Army General Basic Attribute) -

Attack (PvP) -

Auction House -


- B -

B1, B9, B10, B12, B14, B17 - Boss Monsters

Badges - Battlefield

Barbarian Flags -

Barracks - Building, maximum level 40.

For Training Ground Troops, also contains the Blazon Interface

Basic Attributes - There are four (4) Basic Attributes for all Army General:

  • Leadership - All Troop HP

  • Attack - All Troop Attack

  • Defense - All Troop Defense

  • Politics

Battlefield (weekly activity) -

Battlefield (Building in front of the Main Gate) -

Blazons -

Black Market -

Blood of Ares -

BoB - Bubble or Burn

BoC - Battle of Constantinople (one of the three types of Battlefields)

BoCH - Battle of Chalons (one of the three types of Battlefields)

BoG - Battle of Gaugamela (often referred to as the Battle of Guacamole because that's easier to remember and spell).

Bounty Cave - Just another way to spend Money, a slightly different version of the Monthly Membership Card. I don't recommend buying it unless you specifically need something that's offered (Not Gems). There are better ways to get gems.

Bubble - Truce Agreement

Buff -


- C -

Cavs, Cavalry - Mounted Troops or Mounted March

Champion - Hellen

Champion's Gear -

Civilization Gear -

Civilization Scroll Fragments -

Civilization Treasures -

Colors -

Common Goods -

Composing (Materials) -

Continents -

Crafting Gear -

Crazy Eggs - Regular Activity that is included in ALL Special & Holiday Events, that gives great rewards. Make sure to defeat as many Boss Monsters as possible to get plenty of Hammers.

Attempt % Chance % Cumulative Odds of Failure

1st Try 0% 0% 1 : 1

2nd Try 50.00% 50.0000000% 1 : 2

3rd Try 75.00% 87.5000000% 1 : 8

4th Try 87.50% 98.4375000% 1 : 64

5th Try 93.75% 99.9042970% 1 : 1,024

6th Try 96.88% 99.9969480% 1 : 32,768

7th Try 98.44% 99.9999520% 1 : 2,097,152

8th Try 99.22% 99.9999996% 1 : 268,435,456

Cultures - There are seven (7) Cultures: America, Arabia, China, Europe, Japan, Korea, & Russia

Cultivating (Generals) - Adds up to 500 points to the four (4) Basic Attributes.


- D -

Daily Rewards - See Shrine.

Dawn of Civilization - A type of Special Activity, only available during Special Events.

Debuff -

Disassembling Army General Gear -

Disassembling Skill Books -

Dismissing Generals -

Double Drop Increase (from Boss Monsters) -

Dragons -

Dragon Crystals -

Dragon Cliff - Building, Maximum level 5.

Dragon Gear -

Dragon Source Fragments -

Duty Officers -

Duty Officer Gear -


- E -

Ekaterina's Garden - Pay Activity Spending...

Embassy - Building, maximum level 40.

Epic Historic General (Premium) Tolken -

Equipment - Army General Gear

Event - See Special Event.

Event Composing -

Excellent Dragon Coins -

Europe Epic Historic General's Chest

Version 1 - Available as a reward for finishing the Dawn of Civilization Special Activity.

Contains one (1) of nine (9) Army Generals (listed in order of quality, percentage chances have not been published as of yet):

  • Napoleon

  • Aethelflaed

  • Alfred the Great

  • Baldwin IV

  • Harold (also available in the Tavern)

  • Matthias I (also available in the Tavern)

  • Margaret I (also available in the Tavern)

  • Arminus (also available in the Tavern)

  • Barbarossa (also available in the Tavern)

Version 2 - Available as a reward for finishing the Advanced Journey Special Activity.

Contains one (1) of eight (1) Army Generals (listed in order of quality, percentage chances have not been published as of yet):

  • Napoleon

  • Aethelflaed

  • Harold (also available in the Tavern)

  • Matthias I (also available in the Tavern)

  • Robert the Bruce (also available in the Tavern)

  • Margaret I (also available in the Tavern)

  • Arminus (also available in the Tavern)

  • El Cid

Evony - A combination of two words Forever & Money

Evony Store - the place to spend real money or gems

Evony Items Store - the Items Tab under the Evony Store.


- F -

F2P, FtP - Free to play.

Fame -

Fame Ranking -

Feeding Dragons - Leveling Up a Dragon

Fenrir -

Fenrir Fangs -

Fire Arrow - See Trap Types

Food - See Resource Types.

Forge - Building, maximum level 40.

Fox Tails - Used for leveling up Spiritual Beast the Nine-Tailed Fox


- G -

Garuda Trial - A weekly activity available on Thursday and Friday.

Gathering (Resources) -

Gear - Army General Equipment

Gems -

(Army) Generals -

Ghosting (Troops) -

Glory -

Gold - Save it for refining High-End Gear

Gold Generals -

Gold Relic - Acient Relic available in the Treasure Hunt Special Event.

Great General's Chest -

Ground Troops - See Troop Types


- H -

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 - Hydra with Level

Hammers - Used for Crazy Eggs.

Help - "Helping" reduces the timers for all alliance members related to the following activities:

  • Building Construction (Any)

  • Research (Academy)

  • Research (Military Academy)

  • Crafting Equipment (Forge)

  • Healing Troops (Hospital)

There will be a maximum number of Helps that can be gained for each activity. Depending on personal & alliance research, the time varies between 2-10 minutes reduced for each Help received.

The timers for Training Troops or Building Traps are NOT able to be Helped.

High-End Gear or Equipment - Civilization, Achaemenidea, Ares, or Dragon

Historic City Searching - A raffle for Subordinate Cities, I believe the drawings is every other Monday.

Hive - See Alliance Territory.

Holiday Events - See Special Events.

Holy Palace - Building, maximum level 40.

Hospital - Building, maximum level 40.

Hun Invasion -

Hydras - A weekly Boss Monster Activity available on Monday and Tuesday. Alliances can compete for prizes by killing...


- I -

In-City Defense General - Main Wall General

Infantry - Ground Troops or Ground March

Internal Subordinate City - Maximum Level 40

Items -


- J -

Jormungandr - Level 16 Boss Monster (B16).


- K -

K1, K10, K20, K30, K35, K40, K45, etc. - Keep Level

King's Gear -

King's Party - Spending Event

Keep - Building, Maximum Level 40

Key of Conscription - See Great General's Chest

Knight's Duel General Chest - Available in the Trial of Knights Special Activity for $100 US, (enough to buy yourself lunch at a fast food restaurant about 10 times). I believe the contents change for each Trial of Knights Special Event.

In the most recent Trial of Knights Special Event the available Army Generals were (listed in order of quality, percentage chances have not been published as of yet):

  • Darius I

  • Amr ibn al-As

  • Nordic Barbarian King

  • Cnut the Great

  • Constantine the Great

  • Baldwin IV (also available in the Epic Historic General's Chest)

  • Harold (also available in the Tavern)

  • Andrew Jackson (also available in the Tavern)

KoS - Kill on Site


- L -

Levy - Gold

(Troop) Layering - See Troop Layering for PvP.

Log-In Rewards -

Lucky Stones - See Runestones

Lumber - See Resource Types


- M -

M1, M10, M20, M30, M38, M40 - Monarch Level

Materials - Used in Crafting Army General Gear. 13 types

Material Bag (Silk Road) -

March -

March Presets -

March Size Increase -

Market - Building

Mayor - Subordinate City General

Membership - Weekly Card, Monthly Card, Season Card, Annual Card

Military Academy - Building with 5 Levels

Mire Hunting -

Mire Squid - Evony's way of saying swamp octopus? Drops the Blazon chests.

Monarch Competition -

Monarch Gear -

Mounted - See Troop Types

Money - See Spending Levels

Mysterious Goods - A classification of items in the Auction House.


- N -

NAP - No Attack Period


- O -

Offering - It's VERY important to do this every day in the Shrine Building to maintain your Rank (Prestige) Ranking. Rank (Pestige Ranking) controls how many Subordinate Cities you can have.


- P -

PN1, PN2, PN3, PN4, PN5 - Pan

P2P, PtP - Pay to Play

P2W, PtW - Pay to Win, Evony is a Pay to Win Game, you should always remember that.

Pasture - Building, Maximum Level 40

Perfectly Dismissing (Army Generals) -

Politics - One (1) of the four (4) Basic Attributes of Army Generals.

Prestige -

Prison - Building, Maximum Level 40

PvP - Player versus Player

PvM - Player versus Monster

PvE - Player versus Everything (Everything = Monsters)

Puzzles -


- Q -

Nothing in Evony start with "Q"? I find that hard to believe.


- R -

Rally Spot - Building, maximum level 40.

Rare Goods - See Auction House

Rank (Prestige) Ranking -

Ranged Troops - See Troop Types

Real Money - See Spending Levels.

Recall Deserters - See Holy Palace

Recruiting (Army Generals in the Tavern) -

Red Gear - Usually refers to Achaemenidae, Ares, and Dragon Gear for Army Generals.

Reinforcements -

Relics -

Relic Chamber Rewards -

Refining Dragons -

Refining Gear -

Regent -

Research - See Academy

Research Factory - Building, Maximum Level 40

Research Stones -

Revive Troop Souls -

Rock - See Trap Types

RSC or RSSC - Resources

Resource Types -

Runestone -

Runestone Chests -


- S -

Sacred Dragons -

Senior March Size Increase Tolken - 200% Bonus, very difficult to get

Siege Machines - See Troop Types

Range of Siege Machines was changed in November, 2020.

The range was previously 1,400 for all tiers, but changed to the following:

  • T1-T4 = 1,400

  • T5-T8 = 1,556

  • T9 & T10 = 1,711

  • T11 & T12 = 1,867

  • T13 & T14 = 2,178

  • T15 = 2,???

Skill Books -

Skill Book Page - Ten (10) Skill Book Pages can be Composed in a Level 4 Skill Book

Skill Book Shop -

Soul Crystals -

Source of Life -

Speaker Tolken -

Special Activity -

Super Secret Special Elite Level (Army) Generals - A classification of Army Generals not available in the Tavern, Relic Chamber Rewards, Great General's Chest, or Epic Historic General (Premium) Tolkens. Evony doesn't have an official term for this level of Army Generals, so I had to come up with my own. Evony also does not document this anywhere.

These Army Generals are extremely hard to get, and typically require a Very Heavy Spending Level of at least $200 US/day for the entire duration of a Special Event. Highest level of King's Party or they will sometimes appear in the Knight's Duel Chest during the Trial of Knight's Special Activity.

There are currently fifteen (15) of these Army Generals (of which I'm currently aware):

Subordinate City (Mayors) Generals (in order of quality):

  • Darius I

  • Yeon Gaesomun

  • Amr ibn al-As

  • Nordic Barbarian King

  • Cnut the Great

  • Constantine the Great

  • Flavius Aetius - I think must be an oversight by Evony because he's not nearly good enough to be in this classification of Army Generals.

Duty Officer Generals (in order of quality):

  • Otto the Great

  • Ashoka

  • Maurice of Nassau

  • Stilicho

  • Mikhail Kutuzov

  • Sulla

  • Zhuge Liang - Another one that's not nearly good enough to be in this classification of Army Generals.

In-City Defense (Main Wall) Generals (in order of quality):

  • Yodo-dono - Yet another, that's not nearly good enough to be in this classification of Army Generals.

Special (Holiday) Events -

(Army General) Specialties -

Speed-Ups -

Spending Levels -

Spiritual Beasts -

Spiritual Beast Scales -

Squid (Mire) - See Mire Squid.

Stables - Building, maximum level 40.

Training Mounted Troops

Subordinate Cities -

Super Refining - Special Activity with prizes for using the most

SvS - Server versus Server happens ever two (2) weeks



T1, T5, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15 - Troop Tier Level

Tactic Scrolls -

Tavern - Building, maximum Level 40.

Tax (for Resources) - Do this every day, much cheaper than buying resources in Black Market or

Trap - See Trap Types

Trap Factory -

Trap Types -

Trial of Knights -

Troop Tolkens (Level 1) -

Treasure Box - See Civilization Treasures

Treasure Hunt -

Triumphal Arch - Building, maximum level 5.

Troops Types -

Troop Upkeep -

Truce Agreement -



Undead - a weekly activity for the entire alliance, only available on Saturday and Sunday.



Victory Column - Building, maximum level 5.

Vikings - a weekly individual activity available every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Viking Pole-Axes -

VIP Level -



Walls (Main) - Building Maximum Level 40

War Hall - Building, Maximum Level 40

Watch Tower - Building, maximum level 40.

Wishing Coins -

Witches -

Wonder - Building, maximum level 3.

World Boss - a weekly cooperative activity, only available on Saturday and Sunday

Workshop - Building, maximum level 40.

Wounded Troops - Troops that are imprisoned in the Hospital Building until pay the bribe in Resources, Gems, and Healing Speed-Ups to get them out.



Nothing in Evony start with "X"? I find that hard to believe.



Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 - Ymir (with Level)

Ymirs - A weekly Boss Monster only available every other Thursday and Friday.



Zombie - Boss Monster Level 1 (B1)


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