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Aug 27, 2024
In Evony - Army Generals
See attached file. For the best Army General COMBOS go to sheet "General Combos, EM.Power". For Lead and Assistant Army General RANKINGS go to sheet "General Rankings, EM.Power". To CUSTOMIZE MARCH stats for the four troop types go to sheets "EM.Power Ratings, Ground", "EM.Power Ratings, Ranged", "EM.Power Ratings, Mounted", and/or "EM.Power Ratings, Siege". If you'd like help customizing this spreadsheet for your specific keep, contact me directly or book an appointment on the "Consultations" Page above. I'm running a 50% discount, so it's only $10/hour, and a vast majority of the time, it can be completed in a 1 hour session. It also includes a money back guarantee, if your not completely satisfied, I'll refund the full amount. Last Updated: 01-10-2025
Jun 08, 2024
In Evony - Spending & Discounts
Free Sources Log-In - 600 VIP Points/day Main Wall (server) Gift - 400 VIP Points/day 1,000 VIP points/day 365,000 VIP points/year Paid Sources The most efficient way to purchase VIP Points is probably the "Alliance Monthly Card" for $20.00 US under the "Valuable Events" section. Normally, a $20.00 US Pack would provide 5,000 VIP points, but with the Alliance Monthly Card there are 30,000 VIP points available (1,000/day). Alliance Monthly Card provides Alliance Points (AP): Immediately: 20 million AP Allowance: 2 million AP/day (for 30 days) Total: 80 million AP Even more are available, assuming VIP Points and Tributes are the only items purchased: 1st Month (30 days) 30,000 VIP Points (1,000/day): 150,000 x 30 = 4,500,000 AP 300 Tributes (10/day): 70,000 x 30 = 2,100,000 AP Months 2-12 (330 days) 165,000 VIP Points (500/day): 75,000 x 30 x 11 = 24,750,000 AP 1,650 Tributes (5/day): 50,000 x 30 x 11 = 16,500,000 AP 1 Year Totals (360 days) 195,000 VIP Points: 29,250,000 AP 1,950 Tributes: 18,600,000 AP Ending Balance: 32,150,000 AP 5 Years Using free sources and Monthly Alliance Card to accumulate VIP Points at 80% efficiency for 5 years would yield: Free: 365,000 x 5 x 0.8 = 1,460,000 VIP Points Alliance Monthly Card: 195,000 x 5 x 0.8 = 780,000 VIP Points Total (for $100.00 USD): 2,240,000 VIP Points Per Month: 37,333 VIP Points VIP Level Points Required Required Money (USD) Time VIP 10 77,200 $20 2 Months VIP 11 154,400 $20 5 Months VIP 12 308,700 $20 10 Months VIP 13 463,000 $40 13 Months VIP 14 771,700 $40 1 Year, 9 Months VIP 15 1,157,500 $60 2 Years, 7 Months VIP 16 1,929,100 $100 4 Years, 4 Months Additional Spending for VIP 17+ Purchased packages currently provide a rate of 250 VIP Points/USD. Additional VIP Level Points Required Net Points Required Spending (USD) VIP 17 3,858,100 1,618,100 $6,500 VIP 18 7,716,100 5,476,100 $22,000 VIP 19 15,432,100 13,192,100 $52,800 VIP 20 23,148,200 20,908,200 $83,700 VIP 21 30,864,200 28,624,200 $115,000 VIP 22 38,580,300 36,340,300 $146,000 VIP 23 50,154,400 47,914,400 $192,000 VIP 24 61,728,400 59,488,400 $238,000 VIP 25 77,160,500 74,920,500 $300,000
Jun 06, 2024
In Evony - Army Generals
Ground 1. Oda Nubunaga 2. Peter the Great 3. Robert the Bruce 4. Trajan Ranged 1. Edward the Black Prince 2. Gnarr 3. Himiko 4. Jumong 5. Li Shimin 6. Minamoto no Yoshitsune 7. Vladimir the Great 8. Winfield Scott Mounted 1. Barbarossa 2. Cyrus the Great 3. Hannibal 4. Honda Tadakatsu 5. King Arthur 6. Li Jing 7. Martinus 8. Robert Guiscard 9. Roland 10. Washington Siege 1. DJ Khalid 2. Emperor Qin Shihuang 3. Sherman 4. Ulysses S. Grant 5. William Wallace
Jun 05, 2024
In Evony - Events & Activities
To get to under 200 wounded on Level 5 Arctic Barbarians, turn on the Monarch Talent : Mortality (in the 2nd row) and employ the following march designs: 335, 502, 669, 837 & 1B 1. All Layers: As small as possible to wipe out a ten (10) troop Arctic Barbarian Castle Layer in one (1) turn. Probably somewhere around 8-25 troops. 2. Fill the remaining march space with T13 Ranged. K41 minimum to solo an 837. K43 minimum to solo a 1B. 314, 391 & 468 1. All Layers:  As small as possible to wipe out a ten (10) troop Arctic Barbarian Layer in one (1) turn. Probably somewhere around 8-25 troops. 2. Enough T13 Siege to wipe out the Arctic Barbarian T12 Siege in one (1) turn. 3. Fill the remaining march space with T13 Ranged. Warning: These marches are designed to specifically take advantage of Arctic Barbarian Castle weaknesses, they do NOT work well for PvP.
Jun 02, 2024
In Evony - Events & Activities
Players are ranked by how soon after the server reset these tasks are done. Better prizes are awarded for higher ranks. There are 4 levels of rankings: 1, 2-10, 11-50 & 51+. Prizes decrease significantly after the top 50 places. See below for complete prize list. Alphabetical Order: 1. Elite Training - Cultivate a General 10 Times 2. Fair Taxation - Resource Tax 20 Times (Market) 3. Fully Armed - Refine General Equipment 40 Times 4. Fortune's Favor - Levy Gold 20 Times (Keep) 5. Gold Galore - Levy Gold 15 Times (Keep) 6. Goodwill - Help Alliance Members 10 Times (Embassy) 7. Heart of Reverence - Offer 5 Times (Shrine) 8. Lighten Levies - Resource Tax 10 Times (Market) 9. Magic Troops - Increase Troop Power by 100,000 10. Money Bags - Levy Gold 25 Times 11. Profound Respect - Offer 3 Times (Shrine) 12. Ready to Roll - Refine General Equipment 25 Times 13. Stacking Up - Resource Tax 15 Times (Market) 14. Sharpen Weapons - Refine General Equipment 15 Times 15. Strategic Genius - Cultivate a General 100 Times 16. Utmost Reverence - Offer 10 Times (Shrine) 17. United Effort - Help Alliance Members 30 Times (Embassy) 18. Working Together - Help Alliance Members 20 Times (Embassy) 19. War Readiness - Increase Troop Power by 150,000 20. Well Trained - Increase Troop Power by 50,000 21. Well-Seasoned General - Cultivate a General 20 Times Activity Category: Cultivation • Elite Training - Cultivate a General 10 Times • Strategic Genius - Cultivate a General 100 Times • Well-Seasoned General - Cultivate a General 20 Times Help (Embassy) • Goodwill - Help Alliance Members 10 Times • United Effort - Help Alliance Members 30 Times • Working Together - Help Alliance Members 20 Times Levy Gold (Keep) • Fortune's Favor - Levy Gold 20 Times • Gold Galore - Levy Gold 15 Times • Money Bags - Levy Gold 25 Times Offering (Shrine) • Heart of Reverence - Offer 5 Times • Profound Respect - Offer 3 Times • Utmost Reverence - Offer 10 Times Refining Equipment • Fully Armed - Refine General Equipment 40 Times • Ready to Roll - Refine General Equipment 25 Times • Sharpen Weapon - Refine General Equipment 15 Times Tax Resources (Market) • Fair Taxation - Resource Tax 20 Times • Lighten Levies - Resource Tax 10 Times • Stacking Up - Resource Tax 15 Times Troop Training • Magic Troops - Increase Troop Power by 100,000 • War Readiness - Increase Troop Power by 150,000 • Well Trained - Increase Troop Power by 50,000 Prize List: Place 1 15 - Horus Gold Coins 40 - Super Safe Resource Chests 50 - 24-Hour Speed Ups (50 days) 4 - Junior Blazon Chests 15 - Treasure Box Places 2-10 12 - Horus Gold Coins 25 - Super Safe Resource Chests 80 - 8-Hour Speed Ups (26.67 days) 3 - Junior Blazon Chests 12 - Treasure Box Places 11-50 8 - Horus Gold Coins 15 - Super Safe Resource Chests 40 - 8-Hour Speed Ups (13.33 days) 2 - Junior Blazon Chests 8 - Treasure Box Places 51+ 6 - Horus Gold Coins 8 - Super Safe Resource Chests 40 - 3-Hour Speed Ups (5 days)
May 26, 2024
In Evony - Army Generals
Martinus recently had three (3) new Passive Buffs added (for Owning him). Passive Buffs function similarly to Research, and are NOT included in the scoring. • March Speed Increase when Owned: +10% (Base/Built-In Skill) • Monster Mounted Attack Increase when Owned: +5% (2nd Ascending Enhancement) • Monster Mounted Attack Increase when Owned: +5% (5th Ascending Enhancement)
May 22, 2024
In Evony - Battle Mechanics
Surprisingly little has been published by the collective Evony community regarding Battle Mechanics. Probably because each alliance wants to get as many advantages as possible, so there's no motivation to share information. If an alliance could develop their own working battle simulator, it would give them a huge advantage over the competition. The best published work on Battle Mechanics is on DerrickD's YouTube Channel: Essentially, he has figured out how 1-layer vs 1-layer battles work. He's now working on how 1-march vs 1-march battles work. Once that's figured out, the community may be able to start dissecting Rally vs Keep battles, and then maybe Rally vs Reinforced Keep battles, but I think those last two are still many months, if not years away. The following is a summary of four (4) of DerrickD's YouTube videos. Definitions • Troop Groups are multiples tiers of the same Troop Type (Ground, Ranged, Mounted & Siege) that start the battle moving and attacking together. • The correct troop range plus any applicable bonus is referred to as Actual Range (also differentiating from Published Range, which is often wrong). • The correct troop speed is referred to as Actual Speed (differentiating from Published Speed, which is often wrong). • Troop Groups can move and attack in the same turn if needed. So, Actual Range plus Actual Speed is referred to as Effective Range. All-Troop In-Battle Functionality Rules 1. Troop Groups will move only if no enemy troops are within their Actual Range. 2. Once engaging enemy troops, Troop Groups will remain in the same location attacking the highest priority troop within their Actual Range until all of that enemy troop type is dead OR a higher priority troop enters their Effective Range. 3. On the other hand, if no enemy troops are within the Actual Range after moving, then the Troop Group will not attack, and will wait there (only defending) until its next turn. Ground In-Battle Mechanics Ground Troops only have one (1) Troop Group, meaning all tiers move and attack together at the beginning of the battle. It may be possible for a Troop Group to separate later in the battle, given specific circumstances. Ground (In-Battle) Movement Speed & Range Speed Tier  Published Speed Actual Range T1-T16 350 units/turn 350 units/turn Range Tier  Published Range  Actual Range T1-T16 50 units 50 units Bonuses Skill Book  Published Speed Increase Actual Speed Increase Level 1 +5% +0% Level 2 +10% +0% Level 3 +15% +0% Level 4 +20% +0% Maximum Effective Range (MER) Maximum Effective Range is Speed + Range + Bonus(es). Ground MER = 350 + 50 + 0 = 400 units. Ground Troop Priorities Ground Troops prioritize Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): Theoretical Priority 1. Ranged (+20%) 2. Siege [T-1 to T16] (+10%) 3. Ground (+0%) 4. Mounted (-30%) Actual Attack Order However, because of speed and range dynamics on the battlefield, Ground Troops are thought to attack Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): 1. Ground (+0%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Mounted 2. Mounted (-30%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Ranged 3. Ranged (+20%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Siege 4. Siege [T-1 to T16] (+10%) - Until all are dead Ranged Troops stay back behind their own Mounted and Ground Troops while attacking the enemy Mounted and Ground Troops. Siege Troops stay back behind their own Mounted, Ground and Ranged Troops while attacking the enemy Siege and Ranged Troops. Since Ranged and Siege Troops on booth sides are out of the Effective Range of the enemy Mounted and Ground, the enemy Mounted and Ground will only advance once all the opposing Mounted and Ground Troops are dead. Let me know if you have any questions.
May 22, 2024
In Evony - Battle Mechanics
Surprisingly little has been published by the collective Evony community regarding Battle Mechanics. Probably because each alliance wants to get as many advantages as possible, so there's no motivation to share information. If an alliance could develop their own working battle simulator, it would give them a huge advantage over the competition. The best published work on Battle Mechanics is on DerrickD's YouTube Channel: Essentially, he has figured out how 1-layer vs 1-layer battles work. He's now working on how 1-march vs 1-march battles work. Once that's figured out, the community may be able to start dissecting Rally vs Keep battles, and then maybe Rally vs Reinforced Keep battles, but I think those last two are still many months, if not years away. The following is a summary of four (4) of DerrickD's videos. Definitions • Troop Groups are multiples tiers of the same Troop Type (Ground, Ranged, Mounted & Siege) that start the battle moving and attacking together. • The correct troop range plus any applicable bonus is referred to as Actual Range (also differentiating from Published Range, which is often wrong). • The correct troop speed is referred to as Actual Speed (differentiating from Published Speed, which is often wrong). • Troop Groups can move and attack in the same turn if needed. So, Actual Range plus Actual Speed is referred to as Effective Range. All-Troop In-Battle Functionality Rules 1. Troop Groups will move only if no enemy troops are within their Actual Range. 2. Once engaging enemy troops, Troop Groups will remain in the same location attacking the highest priority troop within their Actual Range until all of that enemy troop type is dead OR a higher priority troop enters their Effective Range. 3. On the other hand, if no enemy troops are within the Actual Range after moving, then the Troop Group will not attack, and will wait there (only defending) until its next turn. Ranged In-Battle Mechanics Ranged Troops only have one (1) Troop Group, meaning all tiers move and attack together at the beginning of the battle. It may be possible for a Troop Group to separate later in the battle given specific scenarios. Ranged Troop Priorities Ranged Troops prioritize Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): Theoretical Priority 1. Mounted (+20%) 2. Ranged (+0%) 3. Ground (-20%) 4. Siege [T-1 to T16] (+10%) Actual Attack Order However, because of speed, range and positioning dynamics on the battlefield, Ranged Troops are thought to attack Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): 1. Mounted (+20%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Ground 2. Ground (-20%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Ranged 3. Ranged (+0%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Siege 4. Siege [T-1 to T16] (+10%) - Until all are dead Essentially, Ranged Troops stay back behind their own Mounted and Ground Troops while attacking the enemy Mounted and Ground Troops. Since they are out of the Effective Range of the enemy Mounted and Ground, the enemy Mounted and Ground will only advance once all their own Mounted and Ground Troops are dead. Ranged (In-Battle) Movement Speed & Range Stats Tier Published Speed Actual Speed T1-T16 100 units/turn 100 units/turn Tier Published Range Actual Range T1-T16 500 units 500 units Skill Book Published Range Increase Actual Range Increase Level 1 +25 units +20 units Level 2 +50 units +40 units Level 3 +75 units +60 units Level 4 +100 units +80 units Maximum Effective Range (MER) Maximum Effective Range is Speed + Range + Bonus(es). Ranged MER = 100 + 500 + 80 = 680 units. Let me know if you have any questions.
May 22, 2024
In Evony - Battle Mechanics
Surprisingly little has been published by the collective Evony community regarding Battle Mechanics. Probably because each alliance wants to get as many advantages as possible, so there's no motivation to share information. If an alliance could develop their own working battle simulator, it would give them a huge advantage over the competition. The best published work on Battle Mechanics is on DerrickD's YouTube Channel: Essentially, he has figured out how 1-layer vs 1-layer battles work. He's now working on how 1-march vs 1-march battles work. Once that's figured out, the community may be able to start dissecting Rally vs Keep battles, and then maybe Rally vs Reinforced Keep battles, but I think those last two are still many months, if not years away. The following is a summary of four (4) of DerrickD's videos. Definitions • Troop Groups are multiples tiers of the same Troop Type (Ground, Ranged, Mounted & Siege) that start the battle moving and attacking together. • The correct troop range plus any applicable bonus is referred to as Actual Range (also differentiating from Published Range, which is often wrong). • The correct troop speed is referred to as Actual Speed (differentiating from Published Speed, which is often wrong). • Troop Groups can move and attack in the same turn if needed. So, Actual Range plus Actual Speed is referred to as Effective Range. All-Troop In-Battle Functionality Rules 1. Troop Groups will move only if no enemy troops are within their Actual Range. 2. Once engaging enemy troops, Troop Groups will remain in the same location attacking the highest priority troop within their Actual Range until all of that enemy troop type is dead OR a higher priority troop enters their Effective Range. 3. On the other hand, if no enemy troops are within the Actual Range after moving, then the Troop Group will not attack, and will wait there (only defending) until its next turn. Mounted In-Battle Mechanics Mounted Troops only have one (1) Troop Group, meaning all tiers move and attack together at the beginning of the battle. It is possible for a Troop Group to separate later in the battle given specific scenarios. Mounted Troop Priorities Mounted Troops prioritize Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): Theoretical Priority 1. Ground (+20%) 2. Mounted (+0%) 3. Siege [T-1 to T10] (-10%); Siege [T-11 to T16] (+10%) 4. Ranged (-20%) Actual Attack Order However, because of speed and range dynamics on the battlefield, Mounted Troops are thought to attack Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): 1. Ground (+20%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Mounted 2. Mounted (+0%) - Until all are dead, then move on to Ranged 3. Ranged (-20%) - For one (1) turn, then move to Siege 4. Siege [T-1 to T10] (-10%); Siege [T-11 to T16] (+10%) - Until all are dead, then back to Ranged (if any remain) 5. Ranged (-20%) - Until all are dead Essentially, Ranged and Siege Troops stay back behind their own Mounted and Ground Troops while attacking the enemy Mounted and Ground Troops. Since they are out of the Effective Range of the opponents Mounted and Ground, the enemy Mounted and Ground will only advance once all their own Mounted and Ground Troops are dead. Mounted (In-Battle) Movement Speed & Range Stats Tier Published Speed Actual Speed T1-T16 600 units/turn 300 units/turn Tier Published Range Actual Range T1-T16 50 units 50 units Skill Book Published Speed Increase Actual Speed Increase Level 1 +5% +0% Level 2 +10% +0% Level 3 +15% +0% Level 4 +20% +0% Maximum Effective Range (MER) Maximum Effective Range is Speed + Range + Bonus(es). Mounted MER = 300 + 50 + 0 = 350 units. Let me know if you have any questions.
May 22, 2024
In Evony - Battle Mechanics
Surprisingly little has been published by the collective Evony community regarding Battle Mechanics. Probably because each alliance wants to get as many advantages as possible, so there's no motivation to share information. If an alliance could develop their own working battle simulator, it would give them a huge advantage over the competition. The best published work on Battle Mechanics is on DerrickD's YouTube Channel: Essentially, he has figured out how 1-layer vs 1-layer battles work. He's now working on how 1-march vs 1-march battles work. Once that's figured out, the community may be able to start dissecting Rally vs Keep battles, and then maybe Rally vs Reinforced Keep battles, but I think those last two are still many months, if not years away. The following is a summary of four (4) of DerrickD's videos. Definitions • Troop Groups are multiples tiers of the same Troop Type (Ground, Ranged, Mounted & Siege) that start the battle moving and attacking together. • The correct troop range plus any applicable bonus is referred to as Actual Range (also differentiating from Published Range, which is often wrong). • The correct troop speed is referred to as Actual Speed (differentiating from Published Speed, which is often wrong). • Troop Groups can move and attack in the same turn if needed. So, Actual Range plus Actual Speed is referred to as Effective Range. All-Troop In-Battle Functionality Rules 1. Troop Groups will move only if no enemy troops are within their Actual Range. 2. Once engaging enemy troops, Troop Groups will remain in the same location attacking the highest priority troop within their Actual Range until all of that enemy troop type is dead OR a higher priority troop enters their Effective Range. 3. On the other hand, if no enemy troops are within the Actual Range after moving, then the Troop Group will not attack, and will wait there (only defending) until its next turn. Siege In-Battle Mechanics Unlike the other three (3) Troop Types (which have one (1) Troop Group that moves and attacks together during the beginning of the battle), there are six (6) different Siege Range/Speed Troop Groups that can function independently and thus do different things from the start of the battle. Siege Troop Priorities Siege Troops are thought to prioritize Enemy Troops in the following order (with Damage Bonuses/Penalties in Parentheses): Theoretical Priority T-1 to T-10 1. Siege (-50%) 2. Ranged (-60%) 3. Ground (-65%) 4. Mounted (-70%) T-11 to T-16 1. Siege (-40%) 2. Ranged (-60%) 3. Ground (-65%) 4. Mounted (-70%) Actual Attack Order Because of the six (6) Siege Troop Groups, figuring out where each group is located on the battlefield during a particular turn can be very complex. Because of this, trying to generalize a typical scenario for Siege Group attacking order is extraordinarily difficult. But the general concept is that Siege Troops stay back behind their own Mounted, Ground, and Ranged Troops while attacking the enemy Siege and Ranged Troops. Since they are out of the Effective Range of the enemy Mounted and Ground, the enemy Mounted and Ground will only advance once all their own Mounted and Ground Troops are dead. Siege (In-Battle) Movement Speed & Range Stats Tier Published Speed Actual Speed T1-T14 75 units/turn 75 units/turn T15-T16 76 units/turn 76 units/turn Tier Published Range Actual Range T1-T4 1400 units 900 units T5-T8 1556 units 1000 units T9-T10 1711 units 1100 units T11-T12 1867 units 1200 units T13-T14 2178 units 1400 units (w/ 75 Speed) T15-T16 2178 units 1400 units (w/ 76 Speed) Skill Book Published Range Bonus Actual Range Bonus Level 1 +50 units +5 units Level 2 +100 units +10 units Level 3 +150 units +15 units Level 4 +200 units +20 units Gear Items with +% Siege Range Bonuses (like the Heian Braces +15%) seem to be accurate when applied to the Actual Ranges. Tier Range +10% Bonus Range +15% Bonus Range +15% & L4 SB T1-T4 990 units 1035 units 1055 units T5-T8 1100 units 1150 units 1170 units T9-T10 1210 units 1265 units 1285 units T11-T12 1320 units 1380 units 1400 units T13-T14 1540 units 1610 units 1630 units T15-T16 1540 units 1610 units 1630 units Once Actual Siege Range exceeds 1500 units, the top tier of Attacking Siege will target the enemy keep's Archer Tower instead of attacking the enemy's top tier of Siege Troops in the first turn.  Additionally, "killing" the Archer Tower doesn't stop it from attacking during the remainder of the battle. Maximum Effective Range (MER) Maximum Effective Range is Actual Speed + Actual Range + Bonus(es). Siege T1-T4 MER = 75 + 900 + 135 + 20 = 1130 units Siege T5-T8 MER = 75 + 1000 + 150 + 20 = 1245 units Siege T9-T10 MER = 75 + 1100 + 165 + 20 = 1360 units Siege T11-T12 MER = 75 + 1200 + 180 + 20 = 1475 units Siege T13-T14 MER = 75 + 1400 + 210 + 20 = 1705 units Siege T15-T16 MER = 76 + 1400 + 210 + 20 = 1706 units Let me know if you have any questions.
May 21, 2024
In Evony - Army Generals
WARNING:  BE VERY CAREFUL, this is a high risk, high reward activity!!!  It’s extremely boring and if you’re not paying attention it’s easy to kill millions of troops.  And they will be DEAD AND GONE FOREVER… not wounded, not troop souls, not deserters, DEAD, as in “need to train new troops to replace them” DEAD.   If you never done this before, please read these instructions 2-3 times before trying it.   One of your own Subordinate Cities can be used, but it’s easier to use someone else’s.  If using one of your own, you’ll need to pick up a nearby white or green Subordinate City to temporarily replace the one being used for leveling.   To get zero killed troops, always use Siege Troops for attacking Subordinate Cities. Note:  The minimum Siege Troop numbers below are based on a keep that has VERY STRONG research for its level.  It’s highly recommended to always get the Academy to the same as the Keep, then doing the maximum amount of research, BEFORE moving up to the next Keep Level.   Green Subordinate City Minimum Keep Level: 22 Approximate Minimum Troops:  10,000 T7, 15,000 T8, & 25,000 T9 Siege Exp/Attack = 48,940 LEVEL 25 = 394 Attacks At 4 attacks/minute = 98 minutes At 5 attacks/minute = 79 minutes   Blue Subordinate City Minimum Keep Level: 25 Approximate Minimum Troops:  30,000 T9, & 60,000 T10 Siege Exp/Attack = 153,700 LEVEL 29 = 410 Attacks At 4 attacks/minute = 102 minutes At 5 attacks/minute = 82 minutes Purple Subordinate City Minimum Keep Level: 27 Approximate Minimum Troops:  200,000 T10, & 100,000 T11 Siege Exp/Attack = 481,060 LEVEL 33 = 387 Attacks At 4 attacks/minute = 97 minutes At 5 attacks/minute = 77 minutes Gold Subordinate City Minimum Keep Level: 30 Approximate Minimum Troops:  150,000 T11, & 300,000 T12 Siege Exp/Attack = 3,085,260 LEVEL 40 = 305 Attacks At 4 attacks/minute = 76 minutes At 5 attacks/minute = 61 minutes   Red Subordinate City Minimum Keep Level: 32 Approximate Minimum Troops:  300,000 T12, & 350,000 T13 Siege Exp/Attack = 9,729,891 LEVEL 45 = 231 Attacks At 4 attacks/minute = 58 minutes At 5 attacks/minute = 47 minutes   Obviously it’s faster and easier to level Army Generals on the highest quality Subordinate City possible, just BE CAREFUL when first moving to a higher quality Subordinate City.   Other tips:   1. Always check the first 2 or 3 battle reports to make sure there are zero troops being killed.  Once you’ve got it the hang of it, it’s safe to check battle report every 10-20 times to make sure you’re still getting zero killed troops. 2. Sending three (3) tiers of Siege Troops is safer than sending two (2) tiers.  Sending one (1) tier of Siege will ALWAYS result in troops being killed. 3. Sending the minimum amount of troops plus 10-20% is safer than sending a maximum sized march.  The fewer number of troops sent, the fewer will be lost if something goes wrong. 4. It’s VERY DANGEROUS to use March Size, Attack, HP or Defense Buffs because they are time sensitive and will eventually end, and if you don’t notice, millions of troops may be killed before you realize what went wrong. 5. If you need an extra boost to get zero killed, change your Monarch Gear to Siege. 6. At level 20 and 3 stars, a General can have an Assistant, so you can level two (2) Generals at the same time. 7. I have found that having 2-3 presets for training is worth the time and effort to change and then change back because you can train up to six (6) Army Generals at the same time. 8. DON’T USE Gold Japanese or Gold Russian Subordinate Cities to power level Army Generals.  They are very valuable, and it will only invite someone to do something stupid.
May 20, 2024
In Evony - Spending & Discounts
Step 5 looks like a sketchy link to a google drive, but it’s ok, I’ve used it and many other have also with no problems.  I believe it’s a customized version of Evony with the old link files to Aptoide AppCoins Wallet restored, so that they work again.   If possible, do this on an alternate/old device as you won't be able to play any new updates on this version of Evony: 1. If using an Android device, Clear Cache, Delete/Uninstall Evony from Google. I’m not sure this is necessary, but some people suggest search all, “topgames” on the device and delete all the old files first before proceeding with the instructions below. 2. If you are using Bluestacks, you can start a new, clean instance instead of doing step 1. 3. Download Aptoide APK mirror Evony v4.67.2: 4. Go ahead and start the game, switch to whatever civilization your main keep is currently, do the craptorial, switch to your main account, and then close Evony. 5. Update Aptoide APK here with v4.68.0: 6. Some people may also need to update AppCoins Wallet to the latest version to see the PayPal option in game. Once you get it working again, you can purchase Pink Gems on this version, then go to the updated version and spend them on whatever you want.
May 20, 2024
In Evony - Army Generals
Currently, there are 35 Army Generals with Covenants, another 76 are required for Covenants, for a total of 111 Army Generals involved in Covenants. General 1 2 3 Napoleon (Prime) Napoleon Andre Massena Soult Andre Massena Turenne Roland Bertrand du Guesclin John Hunyadi Matthias I Jadwiga Suleiman the Magnificent Marcus Agrippa Caesar Gaius Octavius Mark Antony Suchet Napoleon Soult Louis IX Sweyn Forkbeard Cnut the Great Margaret I Harold Mu Guiying Elektra Yue Fei Guan Yu Jayavarman II Martinus Ly Thuong Kiet Tran Hung Dao Beowulf King Arthur Roland Mordred Godfrey of Bouillon Richard the Lionheart Baldwin IV Philip II Isaac Brock Edward the Black Prince William Marshal John Churchill Gunther Melisande Douglas Charles the Great Melisande Gunther Eleanor Catherine II Frigg Tomyris Theodora Gnarr Hestia Flavius Aetius Zucca Poligenus Merlin King Arthur Alfred the Great Beowulf Totila Arminius Charles XII Pyrrhus Washington (Prime) Washington Casimir Pulaski Nathanael Greene Theodosius I Nero Septimius Serverus Aurelian Ragnar Sigurd Cnut the Great Harold Sigurd Ragnar Nordic Barbarian King Harold III Miltiades Leonidas I Carus Alexander the Great Marco Polo Genghis Khan Basil II Subutai Maurice de Saxe Charles the Great Henry V Prince Eugene Tachibana Ginchiyo Himiko Frigg Hestia Cheng Yaojin Li Shimin Li Jing Sun Ce Theobald I Charles Martel Philip II Louis IX Algernon Sydney William Wallace John Churchill Merlin Narcissus Lucilla Ludwig Martinus Lucilla Narcissus Alessandra Aurelian George Monck Queen Victoria Edward III John Hunyadi Stephen II Robert Guiscard Laudon Totila Franz Joseph I Arminius Prince Eugene Raimondo Haakon Haroldsson Margaret I Harold III Ragnar Zhang Fei Wei Qing Guan Yu Zhao Yun Covenants work on both Lead and Assistant Generals, and provide a significant boost over Army General that do not have Covenants, especially when they are used as Assistants. There are six (6) levels of Covenants with the following requirements: Level Covenant Stones Minimum Combined Attribute Points 1 - War 50 10,000 2 - Cooperation 50 12,000 3 - Peace 50 14,000 4 - Faith 50 16,000 5 - Honor 50 19,500 6 - Civilization 50 22,500 Total 300 Last Updated: 01-25-2025
Nov 02, 2022
In Evony - Generic Discussions
Tuesday, November 1st Version 3.4.0 of the ratings system accounts for the newest thinking on layering in the most effective attacking marches. Essentially, the top three (3) tiers of primary troops comprise over 90% of the march, while secondary, tertiary and quaternary troops are just there to serve as meat shields and survive as long as possible. Updated to version 3.4.0 of the rating system: Part 3/12 - Ranged PvP General Rankings Part 10/12 - Siege PvP General Rankings Thursday, November 3rd Updated to version 3.4.0 of the rating system: Part 6/12 - Ground PvP General Rankings
Oct 20, 2022
In Evony - PvP & Battlefield
Part 2 – Battlefield Preparation – Long Term Preparation PART 2 of 3 in the Battlefield Preparation Series, things that can be done a long time before participating in a Battlefield. Keys to Winning Battlefield (in order of importance): ATTENDANCE - The 1st KEY to winning battlefield is having MORE PEOPLE show up than the other team(s). On the other hand, if you are signed up, and then don’t show up on time, it really hurts the team. The battlefield match-ups are based on the total power of all the keeps that are signed up for that particular battlefield. So, if there’s any question about being there on time (and for the entire two hours) it’s probably better not to sign up. It’s much better to have 15 people sign up and 15 people show up, than it is to have 20 people sign up and 15 people show up. In fact, having 75% attendance is a good way to start a losing effort. MORE SMALL KEEPS - The 2nd KEY to winning battlefield is having more clever, small power players (under 100 million power). We need to make sure the average size of our keeps is as small as possible. Not having small keeps is like playing Chess without any pawns. Small Keep play will be discussed more in Part 3 of this series. PREPARATION - The 3rd KEY to winning battlefield is doing the right long term and short term preparation. That will be explored more in Parts 2 & 3 of this series. HAVE A PLAN (Map & Assignments) - The 4th KEY to winning battlefield is to have a plan. We have the tools in place to implement the plan (essentially it’s a map & assignments), we just need to do it. Much of what follows is still in rough draft form... Long Term Battlefield Preparation 1. MARCH PRESETS (in Rally Spot) For K25 and larger, set up your March Presets (in the Rally Spot) for the three (3) main marches (Ranged, Mounted, and Ground). If you have a 4th March Preset (available at VIP-13), use that for the Siege March. See Troop Layering in #2. An attack march is similar just smaller, and without the extra T1s and T2s. 2. TROOP LAYERING Total Army Troop Layering a K35-36 might look like this: T1 = 10.6 million Ranged & Ground + 100,000 Mounted & Siege = 21.4 million T2 = 1.2 million Ranged & Ground + 100,000 Mounted & Siege = 5.0 million T3-T9 = 100,000 of each troop type = 400,000 x 7 = 2.8 million T10 = 250,000 of each troop type = 1.0 million T11 = 650,000 of each troop type = 2.6 million T12 = 1.2 million of each troop type = 4.8 million T13 = 1.2 million of each troop type = 4.8 million T14 = 2.4 million of each troop type = 9.6 million Total = 52 million 3. LEAD & ASSISTANT ARMY GENERALS Read ALL of the Army General recommendations on, and acquire the best Army Generals for your resource level. a. Level them up using Subordinate Cities so that their level is equal to your Monarch level. A future mail will be sent about leveling up Army Generals using Subordinate Cities. b. Add good Skill Books; Cultivate Army Generals as much as you can afford; and develop their Specialties as much as you have Runestones to do so. c. Read all the Army General Gear analyses on Make the best Army General Gear that you can afford: King’s, Dragon’s, Ares, Achaemenidae, or Civilization Gear. 4. GET TOUGHER, NOT BIGGER Getting bigger (adding Power, usually by adding troops) doesn’t work unless you also maximize your keep’s toughness. Things you can do to get tougher and not bigger: a. Buildings - The Walls, Archer Tower, Rally Spot, Academy , Embassy, and War Hall need to be at the same level as your Keep. b. Maximum Research - Do the maximum amount of Research for your Keep level. Especially on the Defense, Military, Advanced Military, and Alliance Tabs. c. Dragons & Spiritual Beasts - Level up & refine any dragons as much as possible. Level up and improve the quality of any Spiritual Beasts that you are using for PvP. d. Improve Monarch Gear – Level up Monarch Gear as much as possible. The best place to get Monarch Gear is Patrol. You can get level and occasionally level 3 Monarch Gear for 30 gems each. e. Blazons - Maximize your Blazon Set bonuses. f. Subordinate Cities - Acquire better Russian and/or Japanese Subordinate Cities. Even if you need to drop down 1 level (Purple to Blue) it’s probably worth it to replace non-PvP Subordinate Cities for Russian or Japanese. Japan – Attacking Attack Bonus & Research Factory Speed Russia – Defense Attack Bonus & Trap Attack 5. For K25-K32 and under 400 million power - PRACTICE GHOSTING TROOPS Make sure you don’t train more troops than you can ghost. Learn about ghosting, and do some practicing on empty keeps or boss monsters during NAPs. a. Find a nearby boss monster, enemy keep, or enemy controlled building, then start an ALLIANCE RALLY for 1 HOUR. b. Do that several more times until you have zero troops left in your city (same target can be used for all rallies). c. Additional step for SMALL KEEPS (K25 or below): Make sure that your Subordinate Cities are not connected to your Main City, you probably don’t want Subordinate City troops & generals showing up to get slaughtered. 6. For K32-35 and 400-500 million power - TRANSITION TO BRICK? a. You’ll need to decide if you are going to make the transition from ghosting keep to brick (or non-ghosting) keep. b. At times this transition can awkward, and you may get zero’d. If that happens, don’t worry about it, heal a few troops, get back in the game, and be as annoying as possible to the other team. 7. For K35-38 keeps with over 1 billion power - GET TOUGHER, NOT BIGGER a. Improve General Gear i. Especially Debuff Gear on Subordinate City (Mayors) Generals. ii. Improve the refining on your PvP Army General Gear. iii. Craft higher quality gear. b. Turn your keep into a brick. Millions of T1 & T2 – Pick one (1) or two (2) of the troop types: Ground, Ranged, or Mounted (not Siege). At least 30%-40% of your troops should be T1s and 5-10% should be T2s. Re-refine your In-City Defense (Mail Wall) General’s Gear to use flat stats increases instead of percentage increases, focus only on one (1) or two (2) troop types. Wait for a keep that’s bigger power to hit you. This probably works for keeps that are less than 3 times your power. 8. ITEMS Make sure to accumulate the needed items: Save your 1-hour All Troop Attack, HP, and Defense Buffs (at least 2 sets for each battlefield) March Size Increase Advanced City Teleporters (at least 5-10) Have at least 300-500 points of Stamina/Vitality available. Additional Preparation (for K27 or larger): KNOW THE BUILDING POINT VALUES: Central Castle in BoC = 80 points/minute x 115 minutes = 9,200 possible points. Knight’s Hall in BoC = 32 points/minute x 115 minutes = 3,680 possible points. All other buildings in BoG, BoC, or BoCH = 16 points/minute x 115 minutes = 1,840 possible points/building. BOG (7 buildings) Total building points available = 12,880 BOC (21 buildings) Total points available in the Central Castle & Knight’s Hall = 12,880 Total points available in the other 19 buildings = 34,960 Total building points available = 47,840 BoCH (18 buildings) Total building points available = 33,120 KNOW THE MONSTER POINT VALUES: B4 - ? B5 - ? B6 - ? B7 - ? B8 - ? B9 - ? B10 - ? B11 - ? B12 - 8 Points B13 - 8 Points B14 - 8 Points B15 - 50 Points Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, DD
Oct 20, 2022
In Evony - PvP & Battlefield
Part 1 – Battlefield Preparation – Sign-Up & Information PART 1 of 3 in the Battlefield Preparation Series, reviewing reasons to participate, and also some other basic Battlefield information. Reasons to participate: It’s good experience with PvP in an environment where you can’t lose much stuff. BoC & BoCH are the only way to get Badges (besides buying the 5th Event Packs). Badges become very important after getting to K30. They are used to upgrade the Wonder Building (4500 to open Wonder 3 and another dragon) and to upgrade Dragon Gear to Ares Gear (800 for each piece). Other good stuff for participating: Gems, Gold, Speed-Ups, and Resources. Army General Experience – You can get good Army General Experience gains if you win defenses or attacks. Even if you lose everything, you will still get some Army General Experience points. Most of all, participation can help the team win! If the team wins, everyone gets more rewards at the end, and we may even get a person from our team into the All-Star Battlefield where the rewards can be huge. Things that CAN’T be lost during battlefield: Resources – the game does not allow Resource looting during battlefield. Troops - ALL main city troops casualties are sent to the hospital and there’s no limit to hospital capacity during battlefield. ALL main city troops are healed for free at the end of the battlefield. Army Generals – the game does not allow generals to be killed or captured during battlefield. Subordinate Cities – the game does not allow taking or losing subordinate cities during battlefield. Anything not listed below. Things that will be used up during battlefield: Stamina – I have no idea how much I typically use… But, make sure you have enough, probably 300-500 if it’s BoG or BoCH (because there are monsters). Maybe, less if it’s BoC (no monsters)? Advanced City Teleporters – if you have 10 or more that should be enough (but, need at least 2 or 3 minimum). I probably use 20-30 per battlefield. March Speed-Ups – if you are a lower keep that’s just holding a building, you may not need any. But, you may need a lot, depending on what you are doing. I probably use 300-400 per battlefield. Healing Speed-Ups – if you heal during the battlefield (most people don’t heal major amounts of troops during the battlefield, and some players don’t heal any troops at all.) We’d like you to heal at least a few troops if you get zero’d, probably 10-20 troops at a time. Healing Speed-Ups are nice, but not necessary, if you don’t want to use them. If we are up against bigger competition, I may use 1,000 days-worth of Healing Speed-Ups even when battles are going well, maybe more if it’s going poorly. Things that CAN be lost in battlefield: Traps – You can lose all of them if the battle goes badly, or you may lose none if you battle goes really well. Subordinate City Troops – Same as above. But, unless your sub-cities are level 35 or higher, the troops are probably useless anyway. You really only need 1 troop in each Subordinate City to make sure your Debuff Generals join the Attack Marches and City Defenses. Battlefield Summary: Battle of Guagamela = BoG – Two (2) teams, twenty (20) players on each team, seven (7) buildings, and many boss monsters (level 4-11). Prizes are ok, but not great. If you are new to battlefield, this is a really good place to start. Battle of Constantinople = BoC – Two (2) teams, twenty (20) players on each team, twenty one (21) buildings, buff marches to crystal mines, and no boss monsters. Prizes are better, and so it’s usually more competitive. Battle of Chalons = BoCH – Four (4) teams, twenty five (25) players on each team, eighteen (18) buildings, healing tents in random places, buff marches to hospitals, and many boss monsters (level 4-11). Prizes are even better, and so it’s usually even more competitive. Playing against three (3) other teams and up to seventy five (75) players at the same time can be overwhelming the first time out. Battlefield Time Slots: 1. For BoG and BoC, there are nine (9) time slots and they are ALWAYS the SAME. Server Reset = SR Time Slot #1 – SR +0 hours to SR +2 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #2 – SR +4 hours to SR +6 hours Time Slot #3 – SR +6 hours to SR +8 hours Time Slot #4 – SR +8 hours to SR +10 hours Time Slot #5 – SR +10 hours to SR +12 hours Time Slot #6 – SR +12 hours to SR +14 hours Time Slot #7 – SR +14 hours to SR +16 hours Time Slot #8 – SR +16 hours to SR +18 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #9 – SR +20 hours to SR +22 hours 2. For BoCH, there seem to be five (5) time slots. Server Reset = SR Time Slot #1 – SR +6 hours to SR +8 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #2 – SR +10 hours to SR +12 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #3 – SR +14 hours to SR +16 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #4 – SR +18 hours to SR +20 hours 2 hour gap with no battlefield Time Slot #5 – SR +22 hours to SR +24 hours Keys to Winning Battlefield (in order of importance): 1. ATTENDANCE - The 1st KEY to winning battlefield is having MORE PEOPLE show up than the other team(s). On the other hand, if you are signed up, and then don’t show up on time, it really hurts the team. The battlefield match-ups are based on the total power of all the keeps that are signed up for that particular battlefield. So, if there’s any question about being there on time (and for the entire two hours) it’s probably better not to sign up. It’s much better to have 15 people sign up and 15 people show up, than it is to have 20 people sign up and 15 people show up. In fact having 75% attendance is a good way to ensure we lose the match. 2. MORE SMALL KEEPS - The 2nd KEY to winning battlefield is having more clever, small power players (under 100 million power). Not having small keeps is like playing Chess without any pawns. Small Keep play will be discussed more in Part 3 of this series. 3. PREPARATION - The 3rd KEY to winning battlefield is doing the right long term and short term preparation. That will be explored more in Parts 2 & 3 of this series. 4. HAVE A PLAN (Map & Assignments) - The 4th KEY to winning battlefield is to have a plan. We have the tools in place to implement the plan (essentially it’s a map & assignments), we just need to do it. If you have questions, please let me know. Thanks, DD
Oct 18, 2022
In Evony - Generic Discussions
Monday, October 17th Working on updating the Army Generals with Dragon related Attributes to have a Dragon version and a No Dragon version. Previously, I had been trying to keep this information together, and finally realized it would be better just to treat the No Dragon condition as a separate General instead of having two (2) versions of the same General. My first attempt at advertising was a big miss. I made 5 cents in 3 days, and I think that's because I accidentally clicked on an ad myself. Wednesday, October 19th I'm working on automating more back-end systems, so that when Evony introduces a new Army General, I can update the related articles faster. Because of that, I've gotten behind on updating the Assistant General Rankings for Ranged PvP (Wallenstein), Mounted PvP, and Mounted PvM (Ii Naomasa). Apologies to everyone affected, I'll try to get caught up as soon as possible, but it probably going to take another week or two before everything is updated. Monday, October 24th I was getting burnt-out so, I needed to take a few days off. I'm back now, and just updated the Siege PvP General Rankings. I'm continuing to work on automating back-end systems, so articles can be updated faster when new Army Generals are introduced. If I'm going to keep doing this as a full-time job, I need to figure out a way to not just break-even, but to also make some money to pay bills also. Right now, I'm still in the "investment" stage. Items on my to-do list: Add new Assistant General Combos for: Ranged (Wallenstein); Mounted PvP & PvM (Ii Naomasa); and Siege (Septimius Serverus). Add Sub-City Peace-Time Army Generals to Sub-City Battle General Rankings: Catherine II, Lincoln, Pompey, Empress Wu, King Sejong, & Charles the Great. Add a Table of Contents to all articles. Add a Site Map. Add section for 2 Dragons to the Ranged Army General Rankings. Add Ranking for Best Generals for Reinforcing or Joining Rallies. Finish Battlefield for Beginners Articles in Forum. Add Glossary, Acronyms and Quick Tips Article. Finish creating the Item Value Calculator. Vote for one below. Tuesday, October 25th Because of the new layering configurations I see most high-level players using, I'm pretty sure I've been overvaluing the Secondary & Tertiary Troop Attack for Attacking Marches, which would also mean that I've been overvaluing All Troop Attack on Attacking Marches. To correct this, I've started working on Version 3.4 of the rankings. Look for those ranking to start appearing in the next few days.
Oct 22, 2021
In Evony - Army Generals
Welcome to the EvonyAnswers - Army Generals forum.




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