Currently, there are 35 Army Generals with Covenants, another 76 are required for Covenants, for a total of 111 Army Generals involved in Covenants.
General 1 2 3
Napoleon (Prime) Napoleon Andre Massena Soult
Andre Massena Turenne Roland Bertrand du Guesclin
John Hunyadi Matthias I Jadwiga Suleiman the Magnificent
Marcus Agrippa Caesar Gaius Octavius Mark Antony
Suchet Napoleon Soult Louis IX
Sweyn Forkbeard Cnut the Great Margaret I Harold
Mu Guiying Elektra Yue Fei Guan Yu
Jayavarman II Martinus Ly Thuong Kiet Tran Hung Dao
Beowulf King Arthur Roland Mordred
Godfrey of Bouillon Richard the Lionheart Baldwin IV Philip II
Isaac Brock Edward the Black Prince William Marshal John Churchill
Gunther Melisande Douglas Charles the Great
Melisande Gunther Eleanor Catherine II
Frigg Tomyris Theodora Gnarr
Hestia Flavius Aetius Zucca Poligenus
Merlin King Arthur Alfred the Great Beowulf
Totila Arminius Charles XII Pyrrhus
Washington (Prime) Washington Casimir Pulaski Nathanael Greene
Theodosius I Nero Septimius Serverus Aurelian
Ragnar Sigurd Cnut the Great Harold
Sigurd Ragnar Nordic Barbarian King Harold III
Miltiades Leonidas I Carus Alexander the Great
Marco Polo Genghis Khan Basil II Subutai
Maurice de Saxe Charles the Great Henry V Prince Eugene
Tachibana Ginchiyo Himiko Frigg Hestia
Cheng Yaojin Li Shimin Li Jing Sun Ce
Theobald I Charles Martel Philip II Louis IX
Algernon Sydney William Wallace John Churchill Merlin
Narcissus Lucilla Ludwig Martinus
Lucilla Narcissus Alessandra Aurelian
George Monck Queen Victoria Edward III John Hunyadi
Stephen II Robert Guiscard Laudon Totila
Franz Joseph I Arminius Prince Eugene Raimondo
Haakon Haroldsson Margaret I Harold III Ragnar
Zhang Fei Wei Qing Guan Yu Zhao Yun
Covenants work on both Lead and Assistant Generals, and provide a significant boost over Army General that do not have Covenants, especially when they are used as Assistants.
There are six (6) levels of Covenants with the following requirements:
Level Covenant Stones Minimum Combined
Attribute Points
1 - War 50 10,000
2 - Cooperation 50 12,000
3 - Peace 50 14,000
4 - Faith 50 16,000
5 - Honor 50 19,500
6 - Civilization 50 22,500
Total 300
Last Updated: 01-25-2025
This needs an update.
What are the basic requirements for a covenant.